The Window Source Halloween Fun New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine

Halloween is a fun and exciting time of year. It offers families, children, and fun-seekers of all ages the opportunity to dress up as their favorite character, superhero, monster or ghoul. But Halloween offers the opportunity for so much more than a fun night of trick-or-treating.
The coming of Halloween every fall is the beginning of all things pumpkin. From lattes to pie, the orange, round gourd starts showing up everywhere, but its uses in food go far beyond these beloved standards. How about garlic parmesan pumpkin seeds or a delicious curry pumpkin soup with coconut milk. With a little ingenuity, the pumpkin can find its way onto the dinner table in more ways than one.
Also Halloween offers the opportunity for hayrides, corn mazes, pumpkin carving contests and of course haunted houses. When choosing which of these activities will be best for you, consider who will be going with you, young children, adults or a mix of the two. Also, check online for reviews and try to determine wait times, especially for things like hayrides which sometimes may run upwards of an hour or more.
And while Thanksgiving and Christmas are often considered the holidays full of family tradition, consider Halloween as an equally great opportunity to find what activity, game or food you would like to see in your family year after for decades to come.