The Window Source Hallowindows: Window Treatment Inspiration for Haunted Houses New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine

Trick-or-treating during Halloween evolved from the ancient Celtic tradition of putting out treats and food to placate spirits who roamed the streets at Samhain, a sacred festival that marked the end of the Celtic calendar year. Halloween is believed to have originated some 6,000 years ago! One of our favorite Halloween traditions is to create spooky costumes and homes. If you are looking for fresh ideas on how to decorate your home for Halloween, you’ve come to the right article! Windows have a huge impact on the look of your home, both on the interior and exterior! These spooky Hallowindows will help you achieve the haunted house you’re going for:
It’s really simple to create the illusion of a broken window. Simply cut pieces of frosted contact paper and layer them around the window’s edge. This technique works especially well for divided windows as seen above. Don’t forget to make sure your windows are extra clean before you get started so that the actual window glass looks invisible.
Would you like to make it appear Spirits are joining you for dinner? You can create this spooky setting using black cheesecloth as curtains layered over windows decorated with haunting decals. This window treatment is great for haunted houses and Halloween parties.
This window treatment is extremely simple and but it is not for the faint of heart! All you have to do is add a spooky Halloween figures behind your window. This would work well for upstairs windows and could easily pair with a layered window treatment.
If you’d like to see additional ideas on ways to add more spookiness to your home visit this article.