The Window Source ENERGY STAR Tax Credits for Windows & More New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine
If you’ve bought ENERGY STAR replacement windows, doors, or skylights in the last four years, you could be eligible for Residential Energy Efficiency tax credits!
To be eligible the windows must:
- Meet or exceed the ENERGY STAR version 6.0 requirements (all of ours do)
- Be installed at the taxpayer’s primary residence
- Be installed between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016
If you meet these requirements, then you may receive a tax credit equal to 10% of the product cost. That is up to:
- $200 for eligible windows and skylights
- $500 for eligible doors
*Note, homeowners may receive no more than $500 total for all energy efficiency tax credits.
For more information about these tax credits, or those from previous years, visit a tax professional or to see Form 5695 for Residential Energy Credits.